Strawberry Jelly Recipe

Strawberry Jelly Recipe:


500 g of fresh strawberries
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of water
Juice of one lemon
1 pack of gelatin (about 10 g)


Prepare the strawberries: Rinse the strawberries, remove the tails, and cut them into halves or pieces if the berries are large.

Prepare the syrup: Mix sugar and water in a saucepan. Heat over medium heat, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Add the strawberries: Put the strawberries in the syrup and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and cook over low heat until the strawberries are soft.

Add lemon juice: Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add it to the strawberries. This will give the jelly a fresh taste and help keep the color bright.

Prepare the gelatin: Dissolve the gelatin in a small amount of cold water and let it swell a little.

Add gelatin to strawberries: Mix the swollen gelatin into the strawberry mass until completely dissolved.

Pour into molds: Pour the mass into jelly molds or serving glasses.

Cool: Put the molds in the refrigerator and let the jelly completely freeze. It usually takes a few hours.

Serve: When the strawberry jelly hardens, serve it, if desired, garnished with fresh strawberries.

This strawberry jelly is perfect as a refreshing treat on a summer day or as part of a sweet dessert.

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Strawberry Jelly Recipe